Changes for page Upgrading

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/04/02

From version 10.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2014/10/13
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 11.1
edited by Vincent Massol
on 2014/11/09
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -60,3 +60,14 @@
60 60  * Install this new folder as the ##xwiki## application in your servlet container (by copying the folder to the servlet filesystem space or by packing it in a WAR file and deploying it in the container's administration interface)
61 61  
62 62  At this point all is set and you can experience your old wiki data over the new XWiki core!
63 +
64 +== Alternative: Export and Reimport ==
65 +
66 +There are cases when it's a better solution to [[export your current content as a XAR>>ImportExport]] and [[reimport it>>ImportExport]] into [[a new instance>>Installation]]. For example this would be a good solution if you have a very old version of XWiki and wish to move to a new version.
67 +
68 +This solution should work because the XWiki project takes great pride in being careful about backward compatibility and content created several years ago should still work well in new versions of XWiki. For example as of now, we still support XWiki Syntax 1.0 (even though it's been replaced by XWiki Syntax 2.0+ several years ago).
69 +
70 +Some tips:
71 +* Make sure to only import your own content pages and not the default XWiki pages since you’d overwrite the ones provided in new XWiki install.
72 +* You may get issues when trying to export a large XAR. In that case you may want to try installing [[one of the Export Extensions>>extensions:Main.Tags?do=viewTag&tag=export]] but you'll need to verify that the one you install will work on your old version of XWiki.
73 +

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