Wiki source code of Attachments

Version 40.1 by Thomas Mortagne on 2019/04/11

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1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
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5 Attachments can be uploaded either through the regular [[upload action>>platform:Features.Attachments]], [[platform:Features.WebDAV]], [[XML-RPC>>extensions:Extension.XML-RPC Integration]] or [[Rest>>platform:Features.XWikiRESTfulAPI]].
6 As an administrator you can set limits on the maximum size of an attachment and where the attachments will be stored.
8 = Size Limit =
10 The maximum size of an attachment is limited by a configuration parameter in the //XWikiPreferences// document. It is set to 100GB by default (32MB for XWiki < 10.9RC1).
11 To change it follow these steps:
13 1. Go to //{{{http://<yourwiki>/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=object}}}//
14 1. Click on the line that says ##XWikiPreferences 0## (right below the line that says ##Objects of type XWiki.XWikiPreferences (1)##)
15 1. Scroll down to the field that says ##Maximum Upload Size## and change the number to whatever size you want (it is expressed in bytes)
16 1. Scroll to the bottom and click "Save"
18 {{warning}}
19 Note that if you've already tried to attach a file and it failed, in order for the new size setting to be taken into account you might need to clear your browser's cache.
20 {{/warning}}
22 = Versions =
24 When a user uploads an attachment and then uploads another attachment with the exact same name, you can decide whether or not to keep a version history of the attachments like you do with documents.
25 XWiki stores all document attachment versions by default which costs more storage space. If you need only latest versions of attachments, you can disable attachment version control by editing your [[xwiki.cfg>>Documentation.AdminGuide.Configuration#HSamplexwiki.cfg]] and adding:
27 {{code language="none"}}
29 {{/code}}
31 = Deletion =
33 Deleted attachments are stored in a recycle bin so that they can be restored along with the document when rolling back or previewing an earlier version where the attachment should be visible. To disable this feature, edit [[xwiki.cfg>>Documentation.AdminGuide.Configuration#HSamplexwiki.cfg]] and add:
35 {{code language="none"}}
36 storage.attachment.recyclebin=0
37 {{/code}}
39 You can view the list of deleted attachments in your wiki and delete them permanently by going to ##XWiki.DeletedAttachments## in your wiki.
41 = Attachment Storage =
43 XWiki offers plugin attachment storage mechanisms so you can store your attachments in the database or directly in the filesystem.
45 Generally metadata for attachment and deleted attachments stay in the database whatever store is used for the content. The metadata contains the type of store used for the content allowing each attachment to choose a different store. The consequence is that what you configure is the **default** store for a new attachment and not the store used for all attachments.
47 == Filesystem Attachment Store ==
49 {{info}}
50 The default since 10.5
51 {{/info}}
53 The Filesystem attachment store saves your attachments in files in a directory tree. This means you will have one more thing to do when you back up your data but it also means you can save larger (over one gigabyte) files. Filesystem attachment store implements a two stage commit mechanism to maintain integrity even if the database fails to commit the attachment meta-data.
55 === Filesystem attachment store location ===
57 The directory in which the attachments are stored in the filesystem is defined with the parameter ##environment.permanentDirectory## in the file. By default it's defined to be ##data##, which is a directory relative to where the Java Servlet Container was started. It's recommend to modify this value to be absolute sure that you can start the Servlet Container from any directory and still have XWiki find the attachments located in this work directory.
59 For example:
61 {{code}}
62 environment.permanentDirectory=/opt/tomcat6/data
63 {{/code}}
65 === Other considerations ===
67 If you are running a [[cluster>>Documentation.AdminGuide.Clustering.WebHome]] you will need to have a synchronized storage directory for each node. You can use NFS or other means to mount the disk on each node in the cluster.
69 ==== Directory cleanup ====
71 Since [[XWiki 6.0M2>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki61M2]], it is possible to save time on startup by preventing XWiki from cleaning up empty directories in the Filesystem Attachment Store. To do this, edit and set **store.fsattach.cleanOnStartup** to false. If you do this, you will be responsible for cleanup of empty directories yourself.
73 == Database Attachment Store ==
75 {{info}}
76 The default before 10.5.
77 {{/info}}
79 This attachment storage mechanism stores your attachments in database entries in the [[xwikiattachment_content>>platform:DevGuide.DsXWikiAttachmentContent]], [[xwikiattachment_archive>>platform:DevGuide.XWikiAttachmentArchive]] and [[xwikiattrecyclebin>>platform:DevGuide.DsXwikiRecycleBin]] tables. This system allows for easy backup of your attachments by dumping the database and keeping all of your data together, but attachment size is memory constrained since the attachment content and archive must all be held in memory. As a general rule, attachments larger than 30MB are not possible.
81 === Switch to database attachment store ===
83 These settings should read as follows:
85 {{code language="none"}}
86 = hibernate
87 = hibernate
90 # If you need to use database store for the attachment it's probably true for deleted attachments
91 = hibernate
92 {{/code}}
94 Also make sure they are not commented out.
96 {{info}}
97 When using this attachment store with a MySQL database, you must set the ##max_allowed_packet## to about 3 times the size of your largest attachment since the attachment and its version history must be saved. See the [[MySQL Installation guide>>Documentation.AdminGuide.InstallationMySQL]] for more information.
98 {{/info}}

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