GSoC 2021 With XWiki For XWiki-AWS Integration

Version 3.1 by Sanchita Singh on 2021/08/21

Aug 22 2021

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About me

I am Sanchita Singh, an undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. This was my first time participating for GSoC and I got the opportunity to work under XWiki for developing an easy installation method of production instance of XWiki in AWS account.

Preparation for GSoC

I was going through the list of organizations selected for GSoC 2021 and found XWiki there. While going over the list of proposed projects, the “Amazon AMI for Wiki” got my attention as the requirements of the project align with my experience in the field of Cloud Computing. I started familiarizing myself with community guidelines and made my first forum post introducing myself. I contacted mentors assigned to the project and showed my interest. 

During the application period, I tried to understand the technical knowledge that was required for the project and made 3 pull requests according to Jira issues that my mentor raised. I tried different ways of installing XWiki that were already available and started to figure out what AWS resources would be required for XWiki to run. My mentor suggested me to use CDK as it will be easy to replicate Infrastructure as a code and also to keep track of the work being done. Then I started working on my proposal. I wrote whatever I understood to be required for the project and got it reviewed by mentors. Fortunately to my surprise, I was selected for GSoC 2021 under XWiki. 

Work Summary

For me, The most challenging part of the project was to decide on the architecture to use to run XWiki without interfering with other servers that might be running in the user's AWS account. With the help of my mentor, I finalized the system design for production-based installations on AWS and created the design wiki for the same. The next step was implementation. First I started working on Worked on CDK code to deploy XWiki demo/test (with a portable database (HSQLDB) and a lightweight Java container (Jetty)) instance on the user's AWS account. 

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